EMR Setup
EMR enablement for point-of-care assistance
Our vision is to use evidence-based clinical guidelines to create a standardized approach that effectively addresses variations in care in the treatment of low back pain.
A pilot conducted at select VHAN practices shows significant HMA improvements in physical therapy and opioids, and imaging has decreased. The pilot has also revealed that many of the patients bypass their PCP in support of an orthopedic consult. There has also been a large drop in the number of patients falling into our algorithm, meaning that spend has decreased significantly. New pilots will launch in Fall 2021.
When looking at the total spend for acute, uncomplicated low back pain, the largest area of opportunity is in imaging. We know many of these patients do not need an MRI or CT as indicated by the diagnosis codes provided by our clinicians. We estimate $1.3M in potential savings on imaging alone across our network. This initiative also fits in well with other campaigns such as “Choosing Wisely.”
Pilot Findings Include:
Patients bypass PCP in support of an orthopedic consult
HMA improvements in physical therapy and opioids
Drop in the number of patients falling into our algorithm
Estimated potential savings on imaging alone across our network
EMR enablement for point-of-care assistance
Guidance for process improvement, proper coding, physician education, patient education handouts, chart reviews and KPI reviews
KPI reporting on imaging, physical therapy and opioids to visualize opportunities, share data and develop front-end reporting from the EMR
We estimate $1.3M in potential savings on imaging alone across our network.