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VHAN Care Navigators Consider Full Spectrum of Patient Needs

For patients recovering from a recent hospitalization, trying to better manage a chronic disease or navigating a complex medical condition, VHAN’s Care Management program offers personalized care that goes beyond simply addressing physical symptoms. VHAN’s team of care navigators consider their mental, emotional and psychosocial needs as well, improving the patient experience and producing more positive outcomes. Read the full article for a real-world example of how VHAN Care Navigators go above and beyond to help patients.

VHAN RN Care Navigator and Clinical Pharmacist Work Together to Help Patient Identify Heart Attack Risk

VHAN’s RN Care Navigators are trained to help patients find their way through a complex health care system. But beyond untangling health care’s confusing details, these professionals also exhibit compassion for every patient they encounter, listening and showing genuine concern that’s as powerful as any prescription. In the case of one patient, the care management team’s ability to listen closely had potentially life-saving results.

Alert VHAN Pharmacist Delivers Lifesaving Care to Blind Patient

Coordinated care provides multiple touchpoints to ensure that no symptom goes untreated, and no patient falls through the cracks. At Vanderbilt Health Affiliated Network (VHAN), clinical pharmacists, social workers and nurse care navigators collaborate to deliver proactive, timely care to patients who need it most. 

For Population Health Clinical Pharmacist Lauren Cook, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP, VHAN’s cooperative approach means staying alert for complications that may arise unexpectedly with patients. Cook’s vigilance recently helped a 64-year-old blind patient avoid a potentially catastrophic health event.

VHAN’s Care Management Team Helps Diabetes Patients With Long-Term Control

VHAN’s Care Management team often works with patients in the Diabetes Outreach Program to assist them in overcoming health obstacles that can stand in the way of positive outcomes. This was the case with a recent patient who was unable to complete the program due to difficulty having his labs drawn. VHAN Patient Service Specialist Lisa Fatzinger stepped in to offer direct communication and additional support, eventually helping him to complete the program successfully.

VHAN Nurse Care Navigator Connects Patient to Post-Surgery Safety Net

Recently, a VHAN RN Care Navigator was able to connect an overlooked patient to much-needed follow-up care after a joint replacement. The 63-year-old female patient with comorbidities was admitted to a hospital for a planned knee replacement, expecting that she would be referred to a rehab facility at discharge. However, after spending a week in the hospital, she was sent home with no follow-up instructions. She understandably felt confused and disconnected from the system and worried about what would happen next—that’s where VHAN’s RN Care Navigator Cheryl Landis stepped in.

VHAN Care Management and Pharmacy Teams Partner to Help Patients Access Needed Medications

As the cost of prescription drugs continues to rise, patients’ refusal or inability to pay for costly medications contributes to an estimated 125,000 deaths every year. VHAN’s Care Navigators often take a closer look at patients’ medications and collaborate with the VHAN Pharmacy team to ensure patients are taking the most effective, affordable medications.

VHAN Presents Community Health Worker Program Results to Aetna ACO Group

VHAN staff presented on VHAN’s Community Health Worker (CHW) pilot during Aetna’s quarterly Provider Clinical Transformation Webinar Series. The pilot, launched in 2019, was designed to improve access to care and resources for obstetric patients at Gallatin Women’s OBGYN Center (GWC) in Gallatin, Tennessee, which has a large prenatal patient population with approximately 350 babies born annually.

Care Management Offers Lifestyle Support to Address Health Related Social Needs

Identifying and responding to patients’ social needs is an integral part of the work of VHAN’s Care Navigators. In a recent phone conversation with a VHAN RN Care Navigator, a 38-year-old female patient living in East Tennessee reported multiple social and financial barriers to her continuity of care. A kidney transplant recipient, she had recently lost her father to COVID-19, and she was having difficulty managing her health condition, finding work and paying bills. Read the full article to learn more about how VHAN’s Care Management team helped this patient during a difficult time.

How VHAN’s Care Management Team Prevents Caregiver Burnout

During a recent checkup call with a 75-year-old male patient with a history of stroke, a VHAN RN Care Navigator talked to the patient’s wife, who spoke of feeling stressed and overwhelmed. After working full-time and serving for some time as the primary income provider, she was exhibiting classic signs of caregiver burnout—exhaustion combined with feelings of hopelessness and isolation. Read the full article to learn more about how VHAN’s Care Management team helped this caregiver navigate a difficult situation.

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