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Personalized Care Leads to Quality Measure Victories for Rural Health Center

Milan Medical Center (MMC) is a well-oiled machine when it comes to addressing quality measures for their patient population, thanks in large part to Care Coordinator Elizabeth Hutcherson. Read this practice spotlight to learn more about how Hutcherson plays a vital role at MMC and in the community at large.

Member Perk: VHAN’s Adult Behavioral Health Consult Line 

VHAN’s Adult Behavioral Health Consult Line offers primary care providers a real-time phone consultation by a licensed clinical social worker to help manage patients’ mental health needs. Shannon Brown, LCSW, answers some FAQs. to help members better understand this service.

Peds-to-Adult Transitions: 3 Steps You Can Take Today 

As young people graduate from high school and move into a new phase of early adulthood, it’s a good time to focus on moving these patients to adult care. Read the full article to get details on how VHAN’s Pediatric to Adult Transitions Quick Reference Guide can help your practice in this area.

Triumph Through Tragedy: How a Trio of Heroes Saved a Community Practice

Last year, VHAN member Brownsville Medical Clinic (BMC) in West Tennessee lost its founder and main provider with the passing of Jerald White, MD. If not for the efforts from a group of hometown heroes, the Brownsville community would have lost even more than a universally loved physician; the entire practice could have crumbled in the aftermath. Instead, something inspirational happened. Read the full story to learn how BMC kept its doors open and even improved their quality performance in the process.

2022 Shared Savings Results From United and Aetna MA 

Over the past 11 years, VHAN has created $204 million in shared savings for VHAN health plans, resulting in $77 million in shared savings and quality bonuses delivered to members. This achievement is a direct result of our network members’ shared commitment to providing high-quality, low-cost patient care.

VHAN’s RN Care Navigators Coordinate Caregiver Support to Improve Patient Experience

When a fragile relative returns home after a hospital stay, family members may be left to provide care they don’t have the experience to deliver, leading to physical and emotional distress. This was the case for a wife who didn’t understand how to manage her husband’s complex needs. VHAN RN Care Navigator Martha Merry stepped in with empathy and expertise. “She was in tears,” Merry says. “The first thing I told her was, ‘We’re going to help you. We are going to figure this out and I’m here for you.’” Read the full story to learn how the VHAN Care Navigation team assisted this family.

How One VHAN Pharmacist Used a Patient’s Love for Motorcycles to Rev Up His Medication Adherence

VHAN Clinical Pharmacist Lyndi Tarr knows how important it is to speak a patient’s language and relate to them as an individual. Recently, Tarr put this truth into practice when she veered off the usual path to help a patient who was struggling with medication adherence following a lengthy hospitalization.

Read the full story to learn how Lyndi tapped into a patient’s personal interests to help him understand his medications and improve his adherence.

Tips for Prescribing Insulin to Prevent Problems at the Pharmacy

Every January, many health plans change their preferred insulin products on their formularies, creating confusion and frustration for patients, prescribers and pharmacies. A few simple strategies can help make this shift more efficient for providers and patients. Read the full article to learn how you can tweak your prescribing practices to reduce delays and ensure your patients get the medications they need.

Tools to Address Cancer Screening Rates at Your Practice 

Studies show that cancer screenings have declined since the pandemic disrupted health care in 2020, and they haven’t yet returned to pre-pandemic levels. Unfortunately, this will cause fewer cases of cancer and other serious illnesses to be caught early, likely creating sicker patients in the long run. VHAN has tools and resources available to help members increase cancer screening rates and educate patients about their importance.

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