5 Helpful Tools for Mental Health Awareness Month

Currently, 19.86% of adults in the United States are experiencing a mental illness—equivalent to nearly 50 million Americans. In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, VHAN has compiled a list of tools we offer to our members, many of whom are helping patients navigate a mental health disorder or dealing with increased stress and anxiety themselves.  

Well Moment webinars for patients—VHAN hosts quarterly patient-focused webinars, often covering important behavioral health-related topics. Your patients may benefit from webinars about the development of mood disorders in children, anxiety and depression in youth, prioritizing preventive care to address your physical and mental health, and more. View all the Well Moment content here.  

Community resources—Many providers are overwhelmed by the sheer number of patients asking for behavioral health support. VHAN has compiled a list of community resources to help you guide your patients to the help they need.  

Behavioral Health Consult Lines. This dedicated phone line helps VHAN pediatricians care for their patients with behavioral health needs. These calls include medication consultations and psychiatric evaluations, shortening the long wait time for pediatric patients seeking mental health care. VHAN members can visit the Pediatrics page on the VHAN Hub for the phone number and stay tuned for details about the Adult Behavioral Health Consult Line launching soon. 

VHAN Social Work team. VHAN’s social workers step in when patients have unmet needs affecting their ability to access health care and manage their physical and mental health. Social workers connect patients to resources that can help with health care costs, access to food and housing, and more. To refer a patient for care management support—including social work—fill out the form here.  

Provider support. VHAN collaborated with Vanderbilt Work/Life Connections-EAP to bring members helpful information about bolstering their mental health. Watch the following recordings for ways to improve your well-being and better cope with stress: 

 Finding and Nurturing Well-Being 

 Being Happier Without Adding More To Your To Do List 

Visit the VHAN Hub to learn about all the behavioral health tools and services VHAN provides.

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